Pick Your Plan
Each plan is unique and designed to provide options. Our homes can be customized, but how you use your space can make a difference in the size home you need. Consider things like, do you entertain? or how often do you need a fourth bedroom? Once you pick the house plan, review the lots listed to see where your plan will fit.
Pick Your Lot
Now that you have a house plan, picking the lot is equally important. For example, if you plan to extend the garage footprint you would need to pick a larger lot to accommodate this change. However if budget is more of a concern you may want to pick a lot that has a lower billable square footage (SF) listed, for example: If you picked the Connor and liked lot 9 your price per foot would be charged based on 3,000 SF even though your house would be 2,619 SF. The opposite is true as well. Say you picked lot 5 you would only be charged based on the actual SF of 2,619.
Additionally Lots 13, and 25 will receive a 35% design fee credit as these lots will require a custom design.