Frequently Asked Questions
If you don’t see the answer to the question that you have.
Please fill out the form below or contact a member of our sales team directly.
Keep in mind that your question could help answer questions for others.
Q: Is this city or county taxes? A: County only
Q: What school zone is The Gates at Franklin zoned for? A: Click the KGIS link at the bottom of the page to find out the most up to date school information
Q: What are the HOA fees? A: $295 monthly or $3,540 annually
Q: Can I fence in my back yard? A: YES, but the type of fence will need to be approved by the HOA and you will then be responsible to maintain the lawn in the enclosed area.
Q: How long is the construction of each home? A: 6-8 months
Q: Can I make changes to the floor plan without cost? A: As long as the foot print of the house does not change, load bearing walls are not altered, and changes are made prior to construction. YES.
Q: Do buyers close before or after the construction of the house? A: Closing of the house and property is scheduled together after “Certificate of Occupancy” is obtained by the builder.
Q: Can I reserve a lot now and build later? A: Yes it is 10% down based on the minimum lot square foot charged as seen in the plat and price per foot listed at the time of contract. The actual cost of construction footage will be dictated by market conditions at the time of construction.